
Our impact

O's story

O is a 25yr old who lives alone, they were referred to Healthy Valleys by their medical practice.

When O first engaged with Healthy Valleys, they described themselves as struggling with anxiety, low mood and not doing enough physical activity which had led to weight gain.

O would very rarely leave the house due to anxiety and kept in touch with friends and family virtually.

O has been offered and has attended multiple interventions by their Community Health Navigator, including one-to-one support, and group opportunities in anxiety management, Healthy Habits, access to weekly guided relaxation, a weekly walking group and a food hygiene & nutrition course.

O shared they found joining groups daunting at first, but thanks to additional one-to-one support they were able to attend and have noticed a huge improvement in their health and confidence since attending.

"I can't thank HVs enough for their support. Taking part in their groups has been like a stepping-stone to become a better version of myself."

O told us that they have found their new cooking skills invaluable and have lost weight, feel generally healthier and have a better understanding of foods and diet and are making more informed food choices.

O now feels much less anxious, and has better self-management skills, practicing newly learned anxiety management exercises and grounding techniques.

As a result, O hasn't experienced a panic attack in months and feels better able to get out for shopping and social opportunities.

"I'm now in a completely different place in my life and a lot of it is down to the support I've received from Healthy Valleys."

Get in touch for more information

If you require more information, please contact us.
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